Kolibri is a set of digital materials that can be served offline using a raspberry pi hotspot. Libraries can be downloaded and saved from their catalog or after installation.


sudo apt install libffi-dev python3-pip python3-pkg-resources dirmngr

sudo pip3 install pip setuptools --upgrade

sudo pip3 install cffi --upgrade

sudo su -c 'echo "deb xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/learningequality-ubuntu-kolibri-xenial.list'

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys DC5BAA93F9E4AE4F0411F97C74F88ADB3194DD81

sudo apt update

sudo apt install kolibri

This is to be set up and served via IP address and port 8080:

Sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/kolibri

server {

listen 80;

listen [::]:80;

server_name kolibri kolibri.library;

location / {




To move large sources to attached USB drive:

# Stop kolibri

sudo systemctl kolibri stop

# Move the data

kolibri manage movedirectory /path/to/your/external_drive

# Start kolibri

sudo systemctl kolibri start

# Stop kolibri

sudo systemctl kolibri stop

# Relocate the full Kolibri data and configuration user folder

sudo mv /home/pi/.kolibri /your/external/media/kolibri_data

# Ensure that the kolibri system service user owns the folder

sudo chown -R pi /your/external/media/kolibri_data

# Restore the original location with a symbolic link

sudo ln -s /your/external/media/kolibri_data /home/pi/.kolibri

# Start kolibri

sudo systemctl kolibri start