Chapter 20:


Implementing a Raspberry Pi-Based Paging System


This guide details how to set up a Wi-Fi paging system using a Raspberry Pi. It enables patients to notify nursing staff with a simple button press on a web page. The press activates a Raspberry Pi pin, signaling via an LED or buzzer.

System Setup

  1. Software Installation:

    • Begin by installing necessary software:

      sudo apt install git

      sudo apt install apache2 -y

      sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php -y

    • Install WiringPi for GPIO control:

      sudo clone git:// # Or sudo apt install wiringpi

  2. Web Server Configuration:

    • Remove the default Apache index page:

      sudo rm index.html

    • Create a new PHP file for the web interface:

      sudo nano index.php

      Add HTML and PHP code to control GPIO pins. (See original instructions for detailed code).

  3. Verifying WiringPi Installation:

    • Check WiringPi:

      gpio -v gpio readall

    • Test GPIO control:

      gpio -g write 17 1

  4. Setting Permissions:

    • Add PHP user to GPIO group:

      sudo usermod -a -G gpio www-data

    • Modify sudo permissions:

      sudo visudo

      Add www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL in the file.

  5. Notifying via Lobby Station:

    • Automate office visit notifications using a Raspberry Pi in the lobby. When a button is pressed, it signals the office Raspberry Pi, activating a buzzer.

    • Enable remote GPIO in raspi-config.

    • Implement a Python script using RPi.GPIO and gpiozero libraries. (Refer to the original guide for the script).

Final Steps

  • Ensure all components are correctly installed and configured.

  • Test the system in a controlled environment before implementing in a patient care setting.

Note: This guide is intended for those familiar with basic Raspberry Pi setup and programming. The paging system can be a valuable tool in a healthcare setting, improving communication between patients and staff.

Guide: Setting Up Raspberry Pi Pico Ws for MQTT-Based Communication

This guide will help you set up two Raspberry Pi Pico Ws to communicate with each other over a Wi-Fi network using the MQTT protocol. Additionally, it includes steps for communication between a Raspberry Pi Pico W and a Raspberry Pi 4B.

Part 1: Setting Up Pico Ws for MQTT Communication

  • Two Raspberry Pi Pico W boards

  • USB mic and audio jack for Pi Pico W

  • Access to a Wi-Fi network

  • An MQTT broker (e.g., Mosquitto running on a Raspberry Pi 4B or another device)

Setup for Each Pico W:
  1. Configure GPIO Pins:

    • On Pico 1, configure a push button on GPIO 0.

    • On Pico 2, set up an LED and buzzer on the desired GPIO pins.

  2. Install Required Libraries:

    • Use MicroPython to install libraries for network, urequests, and umqtt.simple.

  3. Configure Wi-Fi and MQTT:

    • Set the Wi-Fi SSID and password to connect both Picos to the same network.

    • Set up MQTT broker details (IP, port, username, password) in the script.

    • Assign a unique MQTT topic for communication, e.g., pico/led.

  4. Pico W Code:

    • For Pico 1, write a script to send an MQTT message when the button is pressed.

    • For Pico 2, write a script to listen for MQTT messages and activate the LED and buzzer accordingly.

Part 2: Setting Up Raspberry Pi 4B as MQTT Broker

  1. Install Mosquitto MQTT Broker:

    sudo apt install mosquitto

    sudo apt install mosquitto-client

    sudo systemctl start mosquitto

    sudo systemctl enable mosquitto

  2. Configure MQTT Broker:

    • Set up the Pi 4B with a static IP for consistent access.

    • Optionally, create MQTT user credentials for secure communication.

  3. Pi 4B Script:

    • Write a Python script using paho.mqtt.client to control an LED based on MQTT messages.

  4. Testing MQTT Communication:

    • Use the mosquitto_sub command to subscribe to the MQTT topic and test communication:

      mosquitto_sub -h <your_pi4_ip> -u <your_mqtt_user> -P <your_mqtt_password> -t pico/led

Part 3: Final Integration and Testing

  1. Deploy Scripts on Pico Ws and Pi 4B:

    • Transfer and run the respective scripts on each device.

  2. Test the System:

    • Press the button on Pico 1 and observe if Pico 2 responds with LED and buzzer activation.

    • Monitor the MQTT messages on the Pi 4B for debugging and verification.

  3. Troubleshooting:

    • Ensure all devices are on the same Wi-Fi network.

    • Check MQTT broker settings and network configurations.

    • Verify the GPIO connections on the Picos.


  • This setup allows for scalable IoT applications using Raspberry Pi Picos and MQTT.

  • Ensure network security, especially when communicating over MQTT.

  • The MQTT protocol enables efficient and reliable communication between IoT devices.